

Psychological Perspectives and Theory; Organizational Behaviour; Personality Studies; Organizational Culture and Values; Developmental Neuropsychology; Education and Child Development; Eyewitness Testimony; Cognitive Ergonomics; EEG /Event Related Potential; Working Memory and Prospective Memory and Developmental Dyslexia; Health­ Neurocognitive Psychology; Subjective Well­Being; Ergonomics; Visual Perception; Memory; Attention; Cognitive / Perceptual Load; Response Inhibition; ODD; Decision­Making; Delay Aversion; Perception; Cognition and Emotion; Value­Learning; Reward and Punishment Processing; Consciousness­Unconsciousness; Visual Awareness; Dyslexia; Cognitive Neuroscience; Task Switching; Meditation; Child Development; Cognitive Disorders; ADHD; Autism; Depression; Error Monitoring; Time Perception; Face Processing.

Psychology - Faculty

Azizuddin Khan
Azizuddin Khan
Mrinmoyi Kulkarni
Prof. Puja Purang
Pooja Purang
Head of Department
Rashmi Gupta
Rashmi Gupta
Associate Professor
Prof. Shweta
Shweta Chawak
Assistant Professor

Psychology - Course

Course Number: HS 635
Course Number: HS 451
Course Number: HS 673
Credit: 3

Basic and advanced theories of emotions in the perspective of neuroscience, the difference between emotions, mood, and feelings, neural mechanisms… Read More

Course Number: HS 498
Credit: 6

1. Developmental Psychology: Historical roots, Issues and Stages of Development, Methods of Study, and Concept of Childhood. 2. Theories of… Read More

Course Number: HS673

Basic and advanced theories of emotions in the perspective of neuroscience, the difference between emotions, mood, and feelings, neural mechanisms… Read More

Course Number: HS 603
Credit: 6

Defining Social Change: Patterns of change, factors and conditions of change, direction of change, control of change, planned change. Relevant… Read More

Course Number: HS110

1. What is Psychology? Subfields, Questions, Methods
2. Biology of the Mind
3. Learning
4. Intelligence
5. Emotion
6… Read More

Course Number: HS 605
Credit: 6

The Scientific approach, Problem formulation, hypothesis building, variable identification. Field Research methods, the Case Method, The Empirical… Read More

Course Number: HS 607
Credit: 6

Human Resource Development: Concepts, Strategies, quantitative indicators, models and techniques-Integration of human resource and general… Read More

Course Number: HS 615
Credit: 6

The course will provide an overview of univariate and multivariate descriptive and inferential statistics, and give an outline of logical and… Read More

Course Number: HS 710
Course Number: HS 792

1.Speaking skills and oral presentation
2.Basics of Academic writing and reports
3.Technical writing skills
4.Reading, Listening… Read More

Course Number: HS 800

The nature and process of research, selection and formulation of a research problem. Research design: explanatory and descriptive studies, testing… Read More

Course Number: HS 801

Inferential statistics. Tests of mean differences: +, F, Neuman Keul, Duncan, Suffay, Turkey tests. Simple, multiple, partial, and canonial… Read More

Course Number: HS 803

Crisis and Recent debates on different issues in Psychology. Theories and Research in Feminist Psychology and Gender Studies. Organizational… Read More

Course Number: HS 815

This course deals with the interface areas between the cognitive sciences of Linguistics and Psychology and Neuroscience. Issues to be discussed… Read More

Course Number: HS 829
Course Number: HS 838
Course Number: HS451
Course Number: HS 202
Credit: 6

The course will acquaint the students of science and engineering with some issues on the nature and methods of science and mathematics, and the… Read More

Course Number: HS 203
Credit: 6

Understanding human experience and behaviour : Definition, schools, methods, branches and application of psychology for engineers; Measuring human… Read More

Course Number: HS 303
Credit: 6
Course Number: HS 418
Credit: 6
Course Number: HS 425

Not Available

Course Number: HS 485
Credit: 6

This course is designe to understand the personal and interpersonal behavioural problems people face within the organization. It also intends to… Read More